Resultados de la búsqueda

    6 Resultados
  • Steve Borges - Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, Diversified Manufacturing Services - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Management de Fitchburg State College.
    Steve Borges - Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer, Jabil Healthcare - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Management de Fitchburg State College.
  • Jim Lynch - Senior Vice President and General Manager, Construction Solutions - posee un Bachelor of Science in Computer Science de Fitchburg State College.
    Autodesk - Software - Estados Unidos
  • Vincent Sestito - Senior Vice President, Communication and Operations - posee un Bachelor of Science, Business, Managerial Economics and Industrial Science de Fitchburg State College.
    Amundi Pioneer - Holding - Estados Unidos
  • Steve Borges - Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Management de Fitchburg State College.
    Jabil Healthcare - Plásticos - Estados Unidos
  • Bill Andrews - President and Chief Executive Officer and Director - posee un Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology de Fitchburg State College.
    ExaGrid - Software - Estados Unidos
  • Karen Nocito - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor in Accounting de Fitchburg State College.
    Cambridge Systematics - Transporte Terrestre - Estados Unidos

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